
Everything from neon signs to architectural cladding. 

+ Fabricated and Profile Cut Lettering

Profile cut letters are individual letters cut from a solid substrate such as MDF, Acrylic, or Aluminium, plus many more. With a wide variety of colours and finishes, these give a nice clean look to your business. Some of the finishes for these letters include: Painted, brushed, polished, Metal,Individual fabricated letters are built from ground up instead of being cut from a solid piece of material. These can be illuminated or non-illuminated. The lettering can be internally lit with either LED's or Neon, providing brilliant visibility at night or in darker areas such as shopping centres and really grabs the attention of potential customers. These include: acrylic, Let-R-Edge (acrylic face, with tin sides) aluminium, and galvanised.

+ Custom Made Signs

So your company logo is a little outrageous, or your design leaves you a little lost about how to turn your brilliant ideas into a physical product. Maybe it is just complex and requires attention to detail. Whether it is structural, architectural, or decorative, we can custom design and build almost anything imaginable. From building fascia, to custom lighting, to shopfronts, the sky is the limit! Maybe you're not sure what you want yet, our talented team of designers are able to create a sign tailored to your individual needs.

+ Architectural Cladding

It's time to update the look of your building. Cladding your building with ACM is a fantastic way to bring your tired old building into the 21st century. This sturdy product provides a multitude of colours and finishes, coupled with a long product life.

+ Illuminated, Neon and LED Signs

Lighting has a big impact on signs aesthetics. Even a beautifully constructed sign can be hampered by poor lighting choice. We offer a wide variety of illumination options, from fluorescent light boxes, to exposed neon, to illuminated LED letters.

Light boxes are a box usually filled with fluorescent tubes (LED's can also be used in light boxes) illuminating the face of the box. The face of boxes range from a full digital print that lights up, to 3 Dimensional letters that glow.

LED's can be used to illuminate almost any sign. Their small size allows them to fit inside narrow lettering or logos, or in areas where a traditional light box will not fit.

+ Edge Lit Acrylic (plastic)

Edge lighting is a method where a light source shines through the edge of piece of engraved clear acrylic causing the engraved areas to glow. The use of LED's allows coloured designs.

+ Letterlume

Letterlume is a method we have developed here at Joe Deren Signs, for illuminating individual small letters conventional techniques cannot do. Letterlume has a nice even light all the way to the edge of the letter, with non illuminated sides.

+ External Illumination

Sign or logo lit from an external source, such as a spot light or strip light. We also do feature illumination such as shelving, walls, ceiling / hanging lights (including custom made shades)

+ Neon

Our talented neon bender is able to produce neon lights to suit any application, from neon illuminating a fabricated letter to exposed neon lettering and logo's. Our talented bender's commitment to quality ensures a neon unit with high quality bends and joins. We also repair damaged units.

+ Window Film Signage

Window films include, frosting (many different styles available), tints, protective films, and vision strips. These can be combined with vinyl lettering and designs to create a beautiful feature window. Covering the entire window with a tinted film blocks out a lot of heat from entering the room, while still allowing excellent visibility out. Frosted films also provide some heat protection while allowing light in, but reduce visibility to a blur from both inside and out. Protective films strengthen the glass from intruders, stopping the window from falling in to a pile on the floor (glass will still break). This helps keep the glass in its frame making access that much harder. Vision strips usually out of frosted film, help prevent people from walking into your nice clean windows.

+ Vehicle Signage and Wraps

From 'For Sale' signs on your hatchback to completely changing the colour of your supercar, and everything in between. Vinyl lettering, complex logo's, pin striping, digital prints, full vehicle prints, full colour changes, we do the lot.

+ Retail, Commercial, and Hospitality Signage

No matter what industry you are in, you need to make your business known. No matter where you are, people need to know you are there, From shopping centres to the shops inside, street front signage, and buildings behind

+ Decorative and Metal Finishes

While metal is a strong and durable product with pleasing aesthetic qualities, however it can be quite heavy and cumbersome, especially when the work is intricate. Our range of metal finishes allows us to produce complex designs then cover them in a variety of different metals, giving a strong light-weight product with the same qualities as the metal finish. Available metal finishes are aluminium, copper, brass, bronze, iron, tin, zinc.

+ Large Format Digital Printing

Why not spruce up that plain old wall with some printed wallpaper? Wall paper printed and installed! Too easy. What about that billboard on the highway that needs to tell everyone about your new services? Billboards are big, but thats not a problem, we'll use self adhesive vinyl. Yes, but I want my menu to glow at night so people can read it easily, but a spotlight is kind of tacky. Back lit film will allow some light through letting your menu glow, we can build those lights too. Self adhesive vinyl, Banners, back lit film, transparent window prints, wall paper. All sizes, cut to suit.

+ Pylon Signs

Not everyone stares out of their side window while driving, so why not add a little class to your street frontage by adding a pylon sign, tall and majestic, towering up, shimmering in the sunlight. We design and build engineer approved pylon signs, both illuminated and non.

Our Work

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